Rabu, 02 April 2014

Secrets That Will Make You Rich And Financially Secure

By Alex Blouck

Do you have a deep and abiding desire to become rich? While everyone might say that they desire to become wealthy, very few live their life in a manner that is conducive to accumulating wealth. If you do have this desire and you are determined to become rich then you have the most difficult part of becoming wealthy already. Following a few simple guidelines and making an effort every day to bring you closer to achieving this goal is the next step.

If becoming rich is a dream that you really want to see in your life, staying focused on that thought is important. You might have difficult days when you feel like you're not truly making any progress. You might have times when you're not seeing significant growth in your wealth. You might even have days when you simply want to give up. You'll see your friends and family buying new things or enjoying lavish vacations. During these difficult times, remember that wealth accumulation is a long term goal and although you'll have bad days, if you're persistent, you will find the success you're dreaming of.

First, being frugal is a character trait that you might not think most wealthy people possess, but it is. Living a frugal life and spending as little money as possible is a key to creating wealth that most rich people never talk about. For them, it makes sense, though. Wealthy people are very aware of how much things cost and while they might appear extravagant in some of their spending, you will find that most wealthy individuals will cut corners and try to get the best deal on everything from a can of soup to the price of a piece of real estate.

You can also live frugally by being aware of what you're spending your money on. Check the unit pricing on foods. Eat more meals at home and reserve dining out to special occasions. Bring a bag lunch to work instead of spending large sums of money every week on eating out with your friends and keep track of what you spend your money on. Once you become aware of where every dollar goes you will find that you feel guilty for spending money on frivolous things. As a result, your spending goes down and you have the ability to save more money.

Avoiding debt and the interest paid on most types of debt is the next thing that you can do to curb your spending and increase your savings. Credit cards are one area that most people waste a lot of money over a year. High interest rate credit cards or revolving debt should be curtailed at all cost to reduce your yearly spending. Take a look at the amount of interest you pay in a year and imagine that money as yours. Think of that money as savings that you have been throwing away every month.

To reduce the amount that you are throwing away in interest payments, make a resolution to only pay for goods with cash that you actually have. Instead of buying a new car, pick up a used one that you can afford to buy for cash. Never use credit cards for impulse spending. Avoid that temptation by paying off all your credit card debt first and making a resolution to only use those cards when you have the cash in your bank account to pay that bill before it comes due. Ignore special offers from credit card companies and remember that perks and things like frequent traveler miles are only an enticement that they use to try to get you into credit card debt so they can make money off of your interest payments.

You may have already thought of getting an extra job or working part time to make a little extra money every month. This is a great idea but keep in mind that there might be a down side to taking on a part time job. A traditional part time job might not be worth it if your family suffers or if you wind up not spending time with your spouse or children. Many couples have tried working multiple jobs so they can afford a better lifestyle only to find out that their relationship suffered as a result. Family is important and having some time to relax is important to your mental well being.

Think about what you can do in your spare time that you find enjoyable which can make you a little extra money. Think of what skills you have or what interests you and who might want to buy your services or skills. If you enjoy writing then you could easily supplement your income with freelance work doing some writing. You could offer to drive people to the airport or even provide services such as grocery shopping for new mothers who simply don't have the time or energy to go shopping with a newborn. There are thousands of great ideas out there that you can capitalize on. Just think about what you like to do or what some of your hobbies are and you could turn it into a small part time business that will bring more wealth into your life.

If you goal is to become rich, spend less than you earn and invest your savings wisely. There's no reason why you can't become wealthy. You deserve to live a good life free from the stress of living paycheck to paycheck. There's nothing wrong with accumulating wealth and squirreling money away for later on in life. Retirement might feel like it will never come for you but you can actually meet retirement halfway if you save what you can and invest it in vehicles that will help you to grow your savings.

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