Minggu, 28 September 2014

President Has Decided To Make ISIS A New Crisis

By Anne Trimble

As President Obama made a national television address he shared his "strategy" for combating ISIS and its new worldwide threat of terrorism. He is betting that we're nave and gullible about the whole thing. However, whatever he is planning to do about the new crisis is probably too little too late.

Barack Obama has dithered for months, but now he has a concrete plan to help us poor Americans deal with a new set of terrorist operators from the Islamic caliphate of Syria and Iraq. He timed his talk to fall on 9/11. This does not seem like a random coincidence. Only 13 years, terrorists toppled the Twin Towers in New York. Now the President has decided to give them some renewed publicity.

What better result could these marauding bandits have possibly have hoped for than to force a president of what once was the greatest nation on earth to recognize their power on the day before America's annual reflection on Islam's last huge victory against the "Great Satan," 9/11? It looks like he has played into their hands in a bid for publicity.

Our president has let us down once again. It's not enough that he has shown a complete lack of competence in steering the US economy. We now find ourselves in the depths of an astonishing national debt. Things may soon collapse on us. We may lose all our money.

Now we also must fear for our lives because Obama has never taken terrorism seriously, allowing the birth and growth of ISIS and a certain regeneration of Al Qaeda. So now we must take heed of the views of many analysts inside and outside government who have said the chances are very high for members of ISIS to strike inside the United States.

Apparently, ISIS has recruited second-generation westerners to wreck mayhem inside the United States and Europe. These Americans, Brits, and Europeans have decided, out of desperation, to turn to Islam. Now, armed with passports and western citizenship, they will be able to scare us right here in the US and Europe.

What to do now that we are clearly threatened by terrorists and a collapsing economy? Besides taking common-sense steps to protect yourselves and your families in these troubled times, we suggest you take stock of your situation. In today's era of dire uncertainty, we recommend that you take advantage of the only remaining financial safe haven: God's Money, gold and silver coins and other investment instruments.

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