Sabtu, 13 Januari 2018

The Do's & Don'ts Of Budgeting Robert Jain Can Provide

By Jason McDonald

Are you struggling to save money? Do you find yourself spending more than what you bring in every week or two weeks? If your answer to either of these questions is "yes," it might be time to learn about budgeting. This is a practice that, to put it simply, helps you save money. For a better understanding of how budgeting is done, here are some essential do's & don'ts that Robert Jain will be able to provide.

DO make use of spreadsheets. In the digital age we live in, recording your data in notebooks is a thing of the past. Instead, you should go on your computer so that you can track your expenses with spreadsheets. Not only will these keep your data organized, but you'll be able to pull them up from anywhere courtesy of the cloud. This is just one of many budgeting tips that names like Bobby Jain can offer.

DON'T forget to differentiate needs and wants. Ask yourself a question when you're about to purchase something: do I need this? If you're starting a new office job, a laptop computer may be needed. However, if you want to go away for a vacation, this can be considered a want, therefore making it less essential when looking at the bigger picture. Differentiating needs and wants will make budgeting considerably easier.

DO account for emergencies that may arise. These include, but aren't limited to, broken bones, job loss, and automotive costs. Before these arise, it's in your best interest to create an emergency account. What this will do is allow you to slowly save money over the course of time. Before you know it, you'll have a sizable account that will only be used in these types of emergencies. Having a separate account goes a long way from a budgeting standpoint.

DON'T forget to review your spendings. No matter how confident you might be, as far as budgeting is concerned, you should review your spendings all the same. Make sure that you do this at the beginning of each month so that you have a clear understanding of how much you've spent the month prior. If you feel like there is room for improvement, make note of it so that you can apply such changes in the future.

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