Jumat, 08 Agustus 2014

How To Profit With Myherbalife

By Ricardo Interpermian

My Herbalife business-builders: Do you want to know what it takes to become a top 2% producer?

If you want to become a top earner, you must go well beyond your circle of friends and family.

You absolutely need to learn the #1 skill of all top earners: marketing to massive numbers of people at a time.

Read the rest of this article to learn several strategies top 2% earners are using to build large and lucrative businesses:

- Leverage Twitter

Twitter is s social network that allows you to tweet, which is to post short text messages to your following. With more than 100 million active users, Twitter is a terrific way to get exposure on the Internet to grow your My Herbalife business.

It's possible to build a huge following and be in touch instantly. Getting started with Twitter is easy. Establish a Twitter account and begin to follow a core of people.

Choose to follow people who are following network marketing trainers and leaders. It's likely you'll be following other network marketers. A large percentage of people you follow on Twitter will follow you as well.

Using attraction marketing on Twitter is very effective. Basically this means to tweet things that instruct network marketers how to grow their businesses. Things to tweet about:

- Basic tips to close more sales

- Inspirational quotes

- Instructional videos

Do NOT spam Twitter with promotional content about your My Herbalife opportunity. Almost no one on Twitter cares about your business opportunity. Use Twitter as a place to connect and to promote quality original content you have published elsewhere. Pull in people from Twitter to your blog, where they can consume your educational content. Feed your followers instructional content to nurture a relationship with them. Your My Herbalife venture will grow as a percentage of your followers ask to join your business.

- Target Your Audience And Market Accordingly

Once you've identified the target market for your My Herbalife business, it's much easier to create your marketing. Clarify:

- What type of person is the best fit for your My Herbalife opportunity?

- What business problems keep them awake at night?

- What is it you can offer to address these problems?

- What websites does your target audience visit frequently?

Your videos, blog posts and articles will be much more effective once you've defined your target audience and considered its needs. Clarifying your target audience makes it simple to plan you marketing pieces. Deciding what to blog, create videos, or write emails about becomes very easy.

Network marketers in companies such as My Herbalife usually target the wrong people. Usually they target people they know who are out of work or in financial straights. Avoid people in financial crisis, they will not have the money to build a business.

The ideal target market for your My Herbalife opportunity is likely to be struggling network marketers in other companies. Network marketers don't need to be convinced about the merits of the business model.

Create marketing that teaches networkers how to solve their problems, such as how to increase retention or spark more duplication. Use your marketing to position yourself as an authority. Some of your prospects will want to join your My Herbalife venture and buy other products you recommend.

- Get To Know Like-Minded People

Building a My Herbalife business is unlike having a job. Rather than depending hopelessly on a job to make you rich, you're building a long term enterprise.

After a while, almost no one is going to understand what the heck you're doing. They'll make silly comments, such as:

- So you think you're some business tycoon all of a sudden? Ha!

- You're never going to succeed with that!

- You're doing one of those pyramid things! Ha!

This is employee mindset. You cannot afford to let your mindset be poisoned by this garbage. Spend less time with people who don;t support you. You'll gain friendships and have more fun.

Attend live events to meet other network marketers. Attend regional and national training events for My Herbalife reps. Find the top leaders in My Herbalife or other companies. They're usually the type of dynamic and charismatic people you want to be around.

Connect with other network marketers on Facebook. Never lead with your My Herbalife venture. Start conversations. Average the income of the four or five people you spend the most time with and that's what your income will look like. Pick the people you spend time with carefully.

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