Kamis, 01 Juni 2017

The Perfect Organic Granola Recipe

By Larry Fisher

Everybody can make flawlessly flavorful and solid granola at home. The most critical thing is to get natural, organic ingredients. Crude, full oats are chewy and hearty and especially tasty. Quinoa pieces can replace them in case you are gluten intolerant. Ensure every single thing you use in following organic granola recipe is natural and organic. You will find different recipes here, simply choose your favorites.

Pecan granola contains three cups organic oats, one cup chopped pecans, some green pumpkin seeds, one small spoon of cinnamon and the same quantity of fine-grain salt, and one large spoon of maple syrup and coconut oil. Mix all these ingredients together and bake for twenty minutes stirring once or twice. Let it cool, brake and add one cup chopped dried apricots.

The important thing is to line the baking pan with paper or to use silicone sheets instead. In case you enjoy coconut flakes in your mixture, add some, but not until the mixture is half-baked. How much maple syrup you use depends on your taste, but it can be replaced, or partially replaced, with honey. It will taste exceptionally good. It is great to serve it with fresh fruits.

You may utilize different amounts or different ingredients, as you wish. Walnuts, almonds or hazelnuts, entire dried fruits, sunflower seeds, you can join whatever you find proper. With regards to dried natural product, you can include them into blend before, or when granola chills off. In the event that you add dried natural products to cool, prepared granola, this will guarantee more vitamins, particularly vitamin C.

Other great ingredients you can use are cocoa nibs, chocolate chips, freeze dried strawberries or other freeze dried fruits, olive oil instead of unrefined coconut oil, cashews, peanuts or something equally delicious. Your granola can be kept on room temperature, in air sealed container, for up to two weeks, but you may also keep it in your freezer, up to three months.

One especially top notch recipe contains two mugs oats, one of peanuts, with added coconut oil, peanut butter, coconut chips and dried fruits, spiced with a little bit of ginger, salt and organic cinnamon. Add some chocolate chips in cold mixture when it is baked. This combination tastes simply heavenly, and you will not be disappointed.

When baking, you have to stir occasionally, to make everything brown at the same point. You can use gluten free old fashioned oats or simply take quinoa, in the event that you have problems with gluten. A pinch of salt makes granola considerably more delectable. Cinnamon, vanilla extract, ginger or other similar spices enhance taste.

Combine your favorite ingredients and don't be afraid to add something new in your favorite mixture. Serve it with fresh fruits, yogurt, milk, ice cream or juice, it's up to you. Be creative and the result will surprise you. You simply cannot buy something so tasty. And, if you include your children in this process of making it, they will surely enjoy their breakfast.

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