Sabtu, 19 November 2016

Long Island SEO: What, Exactly, Is Wanelo

By Arthur Williams

There are more than a few social media platforms out there and it's not unheard of for them to be used for Long Island SEO purposes. However, did you know that there are some that are built with ecommerce in mind? Enter Wanelo, which is a website that's designed for this specific purpose. Perhaps you haven't heard of it at all. If this is the case, here are a few details that should give you a better understanding of why this platform matters.

Wanelo first came about in 2012 and it serves a larger purpose as a digital mall. It contains millions of products that people can purchase, which means that different categories will be covered as well. Furniture, clothing, and art are just a few that authorities like can draw your attention to. With such variety to be seen, you can imagine that Wanelo will draw the attention of Long Island SEO experts.

It's worth noting the layout of Wanelo, since it clearly works to the site's benefit. With several images that take up the majority of the landing page, it's not uncommon for Wanelo to be compared to Pinterest or Instagram. This works wonders for the ecommerce side of things, since potential customers will immediately see the products that are available. As a matter of fact, this layout might be one of the sharpest details that Wanelo has to offer.

Different social elements come with the experience that Wanelo has to offer. For example, you might be someone who likes to shop on Amazon, meaning that you have probably taken advantage of the wish list function. Wanelo works in a similar fashion, since you can "Save" any items that catch your attention. By doing so, there's a good chance that you'll get even more out of this unique social media platform.

Ecommerce has become a mainstay in our day-to-day lives, so it would make sense for websites to build upon it. Wanelo is one of the more striking examples of this and it would make sense for businesses to take advantage of it. Who wouldn't want to sell products on websites that attract people by the boatloads? By doing so, the businesses in question will see greater returns, thereby increasing the overall worth of Wanelo.

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