Kamis, 15 Januari 2015

The Newbies Guide To Frugal Living To Save Money And Still Thrive

By Kristen Baird

There are many people who would benefit from a guide that helps them save money while still living life as they need to. The word frugal is not a bad word and it encapsulates a concept that says you do not need many things you think you do. The Newbies Guide To Frugal Living would include many ideas about money and how it could be spent more effectively.

Simplifying your home and life is more than just getting things organized. It is getting rid of things that are not needed and only taking on those things, and bills, that will help you with the basics. Each financial decision must assist in controlling your position as a person who knows what is important and what can be gotten rid of.

One such decision should be your cell phone usage. The data charges, for many smart phone programs, is costly and might not be needed for average personal use. If you are required to carry your phone for work, they should either provide it or give you an allowance for it. All Internet browsing should be done on your computer, either at work or home where it is quite a bit cheaper.

Gym membership is something you may want to reconsider. They expect their payment every month and you may only go once or twice during that time. Frugality means not wasting anything. Go get a book, from a used book store, about exercises that can be done with things you find around the house or in the garage. Walk more and drink plenty of water is how most fitness plans start, anyway.

Being frugal not only means to spend as little as possible but also to consider the total cost of things, even as they get older. Buying things of value, those things that will last longer, is a frugal way of making purchases. Look for things that have a longer than normal warranty period. Watch out for after market warranties as they, occasionally, do not live up to expectations.

Buying things, such as groceries, will be facilitated better when you understand the shelf tags under the items. Check out the unit price and not just the total price. A cost of five cents per ounce for a larger package is a better deal than a unit cost or 10 cents for a smaller one. Do not just assume that it will be this way with all items, especially at membership stores, such as Costco. Buying frugally takes work and anything that you do not use completely is waste.

Begin to buy clothes that do not need to be laundered professionally. When you do wash and dry those clothes, make sure you use a cold water detergent and cold water for washing and rinsing. Pick up a book, again at a used book store, about basic home repairs that need to be dealt with from time to time. You should be able to change electrical outlets and replace a faucet or two. If you currently own a swimming pool, make sure you have all of the tools to keep it clean and chemicals to keep it sanitized.

Finding a lot of good ideas about how to live frugally is something that every one needs. Making informed decisions about every purchase and every commitment to a monthly bill, other than the basics, can save you money and time and you will find you can still live comfortably and, after a while, quite stylishly.

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